Thursday, July 20, 2017

Comp Ling

Computational Linguistics

The 150 most cited articles

1.            Evaluating WordNet-based measures of lexical semantic relatedness  
2.            The proposition bank: An annotated corpus of semantic roles  
3.            Lexicon-based methods for sentiment analysis  
4.            Hierarchical phrase-based translation  
5.            Inter-coder agreement for computational linguistics  
6.            Recognizing contextual polarity: An exploration of features for phrase-level sentiment analysis  
7.            Dependency-based construction of semantic space models  
8.            Opinion word expansion and target extraction through double propagation  
9.            Wide-coverage efficient statistical parsing with CCG and log-linear models  
10.          Distributional memory: A general framework for corpus-based semantics  
11.          Similarity of semantic relations  
12.          Improving machine translation performance by exploiting non-parallel corpora  
13.          Discriminative reranking for natural language parsing  
14.          The importance of syntactic parsing and inference in semantic role labeling  
15.          Automatic discovery of part-whole relations  
16.          Sentence fusion for multidocument news summarization  
17.          Modeling local coherence: An entity-based approach  
18.          Algorithms for deterministic incremental dependency parsing  
19.          Deterministic Coreference Resolution Based on Entity-Centric, Precision-Ranked Rules  
20.          Answering clinical questions with knowledge-based and statistical techniques  
21.          CCGbank: A corpus of CCG derivations and dependency structures extracted from the penn treebank   
22.          N-gram-based machine translation  
23.          Googleology is bad science  
24.          Representing discourse coherence: A corpus-based study  
25.          Chinese word segmentation and named entity recognition: A pragmatic approach  
26.          Semantic role labeling: An introduction to the special issue  
27.          Tree kernels for semantic role labeling  
28.          Syntactic processing using the generalized perceptron and beam search  
29.          Feature forest models for probabilistic HPSG parsing  
30.          Co-occurrence retrieval: A flexible framework for lexical distributional similarity  
31.          Generating phrasal and sentential paraphrases: A survey of data-driven methods  
32.          Labeling Chinese predicates with semantic roles  
33.          Unsupervised multilingual sentence boundary detection  
34.          A Survey and Classification of Controlled Natural Languages  
35.          Computational generation of referring expressions: A survey  
36.          Automatic evaluation of information ordering: Kendall's Tau  
37.          Measuring word alignment quality for statistical machine translation  
38.          Question answering in restricted domains: An overview  
39.          Hybrid reinforcement/supervised learning of dialogue policies from fixed data sets  
40.          Statistical approaches to computer-assisted translation  
41.          Unsupervised acquisition of predominant word senses  
42.          Amazonmechanical turk: Gold mine or coalmine?  
43.          A global joint model for semantic role labeling  
44.          Learning to rank answers to non-factoid questions from web collections  
45.          Experiments on the automatic induction of German semantic verb classes  
46.          Towards robust semantic role labeling  
47.          Random Walks for Knowledge-Based Word Sense Disambiguation  
48.          Word-level confidence estimation for machine translation  
49.          Ontolearn reloaded: A graph-based algorithm for taxonomy induction  
50.          Real versus template-based natural language generation: A false opposition?  
51.          Learning dependency-based compositional semantics  
52.          Unsupervised learning of morphology  
53.          Clustering and diversifying web search results with graph-based word sense induction  
54.          Composing questions through conceptual authoring  
55.          Training tree transducers  
56.          Generating referring expressions: Making referents easy to identify  
57.          WordNet nouns: Classes and instances  
58.          Plagiarism Meets Paraphrasing: Insights for the Next Generation in Automatic Plagiarism Detection  
59.          Unsupervised type and token identification of idiomatic expressions  
60.          Simlex-999: Evaluating semantic models with (Genuine) similarity estimation  
61.          Frame-Semantic Parsing  
62.          A Survey of Arabic Named Entity Recognition and Classification  
63.          Modality and Negation: An Introduction to the Special Issue  
64.          Constructing corpora for the development and evaluation of paraphrase systems  
65.          Comparing knowledge sources for nominal anaphora resolution  
66.          An investigation into the validity of some metrics for automatically evaluating natural language generation systems  
67.          Applying computational models of spatial prepositions to visually situated dialog  
68.          Generating referring expressions that involve gradable properties  
69.          The PARADISE evaluation framework: Issues and findings  
70.          Characterizing and predicting corrections in spoken dialogue systems  
71.          Controlling user perceptions of linguistic style: Trainable generation of personality traits  
72.          Reliability measurement without limits  
73.          Relational features in fine-grained opinion analysis  
74.          Statistical metaphor processing  
75.          Hierarchical phrase-based translation with weighted finite-state transducers and shallow-n grammars  
76.          Dependency parsing of Turkish  
77.          A sketch algorithm for estimating two-way and multi-way associations   
78.          Bilingual co-training for sentiment classification of Chinese product reviews  
79.          Analyzing and integrating dependency parsers  
80.          Punctuation as implicit annotations for Chinese word segmentation  
81.          Computing lexical contrast  
82.          Are You Sure That This Happened? Assessing the Factuality Degree of Events in Text  
83.          A flexible, corpus-driven model of regular and inverse selectional preferences  
84.          Bootstrapping distributional feature vector quality  
85.          A twin-candidate model for learning-based anaphora resolution  
86.          Frame-Semantic Parsing  
87.          Discriminativeword alignment by linear modeling  
88.          Kernel methods for minimally supervised WSD  
89.          Empiricism is not a matter of faith  
90.          Arabic Dialect Identification  
91.          Automatically assessing machine summary content without a gold standard  
92.          A context-theoretic framework for compositionality in distributional semantics  
93.          Affirmative cue words in task-oriented dialogue  
94.          Disentangling chat  
95.          Re-structuring, re-labeling, and re-aligning for syntax-based machine translation  
96.          What is a paraphrase?  
97.          Dependency parsing of modern standard Arabic with lexical and inflectional features  
98.          Robust understanding in multimodal interfaces  
99.          Did It Happen? The Pragmatic Complexity of Veridicality Assessment  
100.        Cross-Genre and Cross-Domain Detection of Semantic Uncertainty  
101.        Levenshtein distances fail to identify language relationships accurately  
102.        Binarization of synchronous context-free grammars  
103.        Orthographic errors in Web pages: Toward cleaner Web corpora  
104.        Evaluating discourse and dialogue coding schemes  
105.        Clustering syntactic positions with similar semantic requirements   
106.        Speculation and Negation: Rules, Rankers, and the Role of Syntax  
107.        Towards automatic error analysis of machine translation output  
108.        Query rewriting using monolingual statistical machine translation  
109.        What is not in the bag of words for why-QA?  
110.        Broad-coverage parsing using human-like memory constraints  
111.        Prepositions in applications: A survey and introduction to the special issue  
112.        Weighted and probabilistic context-free grammars are equally expressive  
113.        Semantic role labeling of implicit arguments for nominal predicates  
114.        Semi-supervised semantic role labeling via structural alignment  
115.        Learning and evaluation of dialogue strategies for new applications: Empirical methods for optimization from small data sets  
116.        From annotator agreement to noise models  
117.        Induction of word and phrase alignments for automatic document summarization  
118.        Learning entailment relations by global graph structure optimization  
119.        A framework for fast incremental interpretation during speech decoding  
120.        The notion of argument in prepositional phrase attachment  
121.        Going to the roots of dependency parsing  
122.        Summarizing short stories  
123.        Prepositional phrase attachment without oracles  
124.        Improving text segmentation using latent semantic analysis: A reanalysis of choi, wiemer-hastings, and moore (2001)  
125.        Learning tractableword alignment models with complex constraints  
126.        What computational linguists can learn from psychologists (and Vice Versa)  
127.        Sorting texts by readability  
128.        The noisy channel model for unsupervised word sense disambiguation  
129.        Exploiting semantic role resources for preposition disambiguation  
130.        Wide-coverage deep statistical parsing using automatic dependency structure annotation  
131.        CODRA: A novel discriminative framework for rhetorical analysis  
132.        Learning Representations for Weakly Supervised Natural Language Processing Tasks  
133.        Incremental, Predictive Parsing with Psycholinguistically Motivated Tree-Adjoining Grammar  
134.        Text representations for patent classification  
135.        Parsing morphologically rich languages: Introduction to the special issue  
136.        A new unsupervised approach to word segmentation  
137.        String-to-dependency statistical machine translation  
138.        Discourse constraints for document compression  
139.        That's nice what can you do with it?  
140.        A large-scale pseudoword-based evaluation framework for state-of-the-art word sense disambiguation  
141.        Data-driven parsing using probabilistic Linear Context-Free Rewriting Systems  
142.        A graph-theoretic framework for semantic distance  
143.        Classifying non-sentential utterances in dialogue: A machine learning approach  
144.        Large-scale induction and evaluation of lexical resources from the Penn-II and Penn-III treebanks  
145.        Divisible Transition Systems and Multiplanar Dependency Parsing  
146.        Language models for machine translation: Original vs. translated texts  
147.        Information status distinctions and referring expressions: An empirical study of references to people in news summaries  
148.        Grammar factorization by tree decomposition  
149.        Finite-state registered automata for non-concatenative morphology  
150.        Computational linguistics and deep learning   

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