Saturday, August 12, 2017

Linguistic Anthropology

The 100 most cited articles 

1.   Voice, footing, enregisterment  
2.   Axes of evals: Token versus type interdiscursivity  
3.   Biocultural Implications of Systems of Color Naming  
4.   Language ideologies compared: Metaphors of public/private  
5.   Socialization beyond the speech event  
6.   Respecting the language of elders: Ideological shift and linguistic discontinuity in a northern Athapascan community  
7.   Intertextuality as source and evidence for indirect indexical meanings  
8.   Naturalization of competence and the neoliberal subject: Success stories of english language learning in the Korean conservative press  
9.   Commentary: Indirect indexicality, identity, performance: Dialogic observations  
10. The relevance of husserl's theory to language socialization  
11. Grammatical and Indexical Convention in Honorific Discourse  
12. A semiotic ontology of the commodity  
13. Commodity Registers  
14. Intertextual sexuality: Parodies of class, identity, and desire in liminal Delhi  
15. Enemies, Parasites, and Noise:How to Take Up Residence in a System Without Becoming a Term in It  
16. Speaking like a model minority: "FOB" styles, gender, and racial meanings among desi teens in Silicon Valley  
17. Narrative reproductions: Ideologies of storytelling, authoritative words, and generic regimentation in the village of Tewa1  
18. Youth language, gaul sociability, and the new Indonesian middle class  
19. Making immigrants illegal in small-town USA  
20. Media Ideologies: An Introduction  
21. Talking/not talking about race: The enregisterments of culture in higher education discourses  
22. Textual Iconicity and the Primitivist Cosmos: Chronotopes of Desire in Travel Writing about Korowai of West Papua  
23. Reclaiming sacred sparks: Linguistic syncretism and gendered language shift among Hasidic Jews in New York  
24. Framing discourse: Creating community through native language use  
25. Why is this a battle every night?: Negotiating food and eating in American dinnertime interaction  
26. Socializing Puros Pericos (Little Parrots): The negotiation of respect and responsibility in antonero mayan sibling and peer networks  
27. Commentary: Knots and tears in the interdiscursive fabric  
28. "Whatever (Neck Roll, Eye Roll, Teeth Suck)": The situated coproduction of social categories and identities through stancetaking and transmodal stylization  
29. Introduction: Semiosis across encounters  
30. Racializing discourses: A special issue of the Journal of Linguistic Anthropology  
31. Daily wires and daily blossoms: Cultivating regimes of circulation in tamil india's newspaper revolution  
32. Kinterm usage and hierarchy in Thai children's peer groups  
33. Salience Counts: A Domain Analysis of English Color Terms  
34. Enregistering modernity, bluffing criminality: How nouchi speech reinvented (and fractured) the nation  
35. Language shift, gender, and ideologies of modernity in Central Java, Indonesia  
36. "You don't know what they translate": Language contact, institutional procedure, and literacy practice in neighborhood health clinics in urban flanders  
37. Being in two spaces at once: Virtual meetings and their representation  
38. "What's in Your Lunch Box Today?": Health, Respectability, and Ethnicity in the Primary Classroom  
39. Indexing voice: A morality tale  
40. The semiotic hitchhiker's guide to creaky voice: Circulation and gendered hardcore in a Chicana/o Gang Persona  
41. Materialities of Entextualization: The Domestication of Sound Reproduction in Mauritian Muslim Devotional Practices  
42. "Short fried-rice-eating Chinese MCs" and "good-Hair-Havin uncle Tom Niggas": Performing race and ethnicity in freestyle rap battles  
43. "Whorish old man" and "one (animal) gentleman": The intertextual construction of enemies and selves  
44. The Gender of Child Discourse: Same‐Sex Peer Socialization Through Language Use in a Taiwanese Preschool  
45. Writing ideology: Hybrid symbols in a commemorative visitor book in Israel  
46. Enregistering, authorizing and denaturalizing Identity in Indonesia  
47. Racing and erasing the playboy: Slang, transnational youth subculture, and racial discourse in Brazil  
48. Little women and vital champions: Gendered language shift in a northern Italian town  
49. "How many lesbians does it take...": Jokes, teasing, and the negotiation of stereotypes about lesbians  
50. The Brazilian Thumbs‐Up Gesture  
51. Racialization in payday mugging narratives  
52. Discussion essay: Semiotic properties of racializing discourses  
53. Transparent Media: Radio, Voice, and Ideologies of Directness in Postdemocratic Nepal  
54. Justifying race talk: Indexicality and the social construction of race and linguistic value  
55. Language choice as a means of shaping identity  
56. Traditional laments and postmodern regrets: The circulation of discourse in metacultural context  
57. The Pragmatic Return to Meaning: Notes on the Dynamics of Communication, Degrees of Salience, and Communicative Transparency  
58. Exotic Color Categories: Linguistic Relativity to What Extent?  
59. Invited Forum: Bridging the "Language Gap"  
60. Breaking Up Is Hard To Do: Media Switching and Media Ideologies  
61. Democratic Technologies of Speech: From WWII America to Postcolonial Delhi  
62. Building publics, shaping public opinion: Interanimating registers in Malagasy Kabary oratory and political cartooning  
63. Who's Afraid of Rinkeby Swedish? Stylization, Complicity, Resistance  
64. Animation: The New Performance?  
65. Millennial Encounters with Mainstream Television News: Excess, Void, and Points of Engagement  
66. Imagining Navajo in the boarding school: Laura Tohe's No parole today and the intimacy of language ideologies  
67. Pragmatic functions of humble forms in Japanese ceremonial discourse  
68. Sociolinguistic Resources, Individual Identities, and Public Speech Styles of Texas Women  
69. Marking Space and Time in Itzaj Maya Narrative  
70. Indirection in the Negotiation of Self in Everyday Tojolab'al Women's Conversation  
71. Discipline and disorder in the whiteness of Mock Spanish  
72. Unmarked racializing discourse, facework, and identity in talk about immigrants in Italy  
73. Urban princesses: Performance and "Women's Language" in Japan's Gothic/Lolita subculture  
74. Is That a Rhetorical Question? Ambiguity and Power in Medical Discourse  
75. Laughing to Death: Joking as Support amid Stigma for Zulu-speaking South Africans Living with HIV  
76. Collaborative conflicts: Teens performing aggression and intimacy in a French cité  
77. Enregistering diversity: Adequation in indonesian poetry performance  
78. Hermeneutic algebra: Solving for love, time/space, and value in Putin-era personal ads  
79. The Kalapalo affinal civility register  
80. Denotational textuality and demeanor indexicality in Tibetan Buddhist debate  
81. "Falamos como Falamos": Linguistic Revitalization and the Maintenance of Local Vernaculars in Galicia  
82. Conflict, cooperation, and facework in Contrasto verbal duels  
83. The circulation of chisme and rumor: Gossip, evidentiality, and authority in the perspective of Latino labor migrants in Israel  
84. Scripted urbanity in the Canadian north  
85. Participant Tracking in Maya Hieroglyphic Texts: Who Was That Masked Man?  
86. Culture and Interdiscursivity in Korean Fricative Voice Gestures  
87. 'Speaking shadows': A history of the voice in the transition from silent to sound film in the United States  
88. The hunger strike as a communicative act: Intention without responsibility  
89. Formulaic expressions, Chinese proverbs, and newspaper editorials: Exploring type and token interdiscursivity in Japanese wedding speeches  
90. On dicentization  
91. Chronotopic landscapes of environmental racism  
92. Sound and the City: Mimicry and Media in South India  
93. Introduction: Performing disputes  
94. Licked by the mother tongue: Imagining everyday Sanskrit at home and in the world  
95. "I read the Nikkei, too": Crafting positions of authority and masculinity in a Japanese conversation  
96. The discursive malleability of an identity: A dialogic approach to language "medium" schooling in North India  
97. Ideologies of the speaking subject in the psychotherapeutic theory and practice of Carl Rogers  
98. Baptismal essentialisms: Giriama code choice and the reification of ethnoreligious boundaries  
99. Lexical Acculturation and Ethnobiology: Utilitarianism versus Intellectualism  
100.    Discourse Structure and Rhetorical Elaboration in Mocho Personal Narrative  

Eminent authors

Agha, A.
Pagliai, V.
Alim, H.S.
Brody, J.
Dunn, C.D.
 Goebel, Z.
Haviland, J.B.
Kernan, K.T.
Roth-Gordon, J.
Bauman, R.


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