Tuesday, July 18, 2017


FrameNet's 75 most cited articles 

1.    Automatic labeling of semantic roles  
2.    Background to FrameNet  
3.    Using semantic roles to improve question answering  
4.    Probabilistic frame-semantic parsing  
5.    PASBio: Predicate-argument structures for event extraction in molecular biology   
6.    Cross-lingual annotation projection of semantic roles  
7.    Putting pieces together: Combining FrameNet, VerbNet and WordNet for robust semantic parsing  
8.    The structure of the FrameNet  database  
9.    Semantic frames as interlingual representations for multilingual lexical databases  
10.  Semantic role labeling via FrameNet, VerbNet and PropBank  
11.  Frame-Semantic Parsing  
12.  Automatic induction of FrameNet lexical units  
13.  Automatic semantic role labeling for chinese verbs  
14.  The effect of syntactic representation on semantic role labeling  
15.  The contribution of FrameNet to practical lexicography  
16.  Gathering lexical linked data and knowledge patterns from FrameNet  
17.  Retrofitting word vectors to semantic lexicons  
18.  Framenet in action: The case of attaching  
19.  Towards open-domain Semantic Role Labeling  
20.  Assessing the impact of frame semantics on textual entailment  
21.  BioFrameNet: A domain-specific Framenet extension with links to biomedical ontologies  
22.  Cross-linguistic projection of role-semantic information  
23.  Semantic frame identification with distributed word representations  
24.  Exploiting semantic role resources for preposition disambiguation  
25.  Linking FrameNet to the suggested upper merged ontology  
26.  Unsupervised discovery of event scenarios from texts  
27.  Building Chinese FrameNet database  
28.  Dynamically supporting unexplored domains in conversational interactions by enriching semantics with neural word embeddings  
29.  A semantic approach to boost passage retrieval effectiveness for question answering  
30.  Knowledge-based conversational agents and virtual storytelling  
31.  Contextual information in terminological knowledge bases: A multimodal approach  
32.  FrameNet, current collaborations and future goals  
33.  A Bilingual lexical database for frame semantics  
34.  How good is the crowd at "real" WSD?  
35.  Structured learning for semantic role labeling  
36.  Evaluating FrameNet-style semantic parsing: The role of coverage gaps in FrameNet  
37.  New features for framenet -wordnet mapping  
38.  A study of actions in operative notes.  
39.  Verb classification using distributional similarity in syntactic and semantic structures  
40.  Spoken language interpretation: On the use of dynamic Bayesian networks for semantic composition  
41.  Generalized framework for syntax-based relation mining  
42.  PP-attachment disambiguation using large context  
43.  FRED: From natural language text to RDF and OWL in one click  
44.  WordNet and framenet as complementary resources for annotation  
45.  A generative model for semantic role labeling  
46.  Adding a constructicon to the Swedish resource network of Språkbanken  
47.  Automatic labeling of semantic roles on Chinese FrameNet  
48.  Integrating WordNet and FrameNet using a knowledge-based Word Sense Disambiguation algorithm  
49.  Automatic framenet-based annotation of conversational speech  
50.  Grasping related words of unknown word for automatic extension of lexical dictionary  
51.  Non-distributional word vector representations  
52.  Leveraging frame semantics and distributional semantics for unsupervised semantic slot induction in spoken dialogue systems  
53.  Outsourcing FrameNet to the crowd  
54.  WordNet, FrameNet and other semantic networks in the international journal of lexicography - The net result?  
55.  FrameNet resource grammar library for GF  
56.  A novel Framenet-based resource for the semantic web  
57.  General and specialized lexical resources: A study on the potential of combining efforts to enrich formal lexicons  
58.  When a FrameNet-style knowledge description meets an ontological characterization of fundamental legal concepts  
59.  Anatomy of annotation schemes: Mapping to GrAF  
60.  LexPar: A freely available English paraphrase lexicon automatically extracted from FrameNet  
61.  Wikipedia as frame information repository  
62.  The FrameNet model and its applications  
63.  A distributed database system for developing ontological and lexical resources in harmony  
64.  Human associations and the choice of features for semantic verb classification  
65.  Integration of Linguistic Resources for Verb Classification: FrameNet frame, WordNet verb and suggested upper merged ontology  
66.  Enhancing Video Event Recognition Using Automatically Constructed Semantic-Visual Knowledge Base  
67.  Embedding a semantic network in a word space  
68.  Adapting dependency parsing to spontaneous speech for open domain spoken language understanding  
69.  Chinese sentence similarity computing based on frame semantic parsing  
70.  Cross-lingual alignment of FrameNet annotations through Hidden Markov Models  
71.  Annotated corpus of polish spoken dialogues  
72.  Mapping FrameNet and SUMO with WordNet verb: Statistical distribution of lexical-ontological realization  
73.  Cross-lingual bootstrapping of semantic lexicons: The case of FrameNet  
74.  Logic programming infrastructure for inferences on FrameNet  
75.  A framework for constructing cognition ontologies using WordNet, FrameNet, and SUMO  

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